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How to Give an Unforgettable 60 Second Pitch

Thu, Aug 22 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Topic: Marketing and Sales

In today's fast-paced, short-attention-span business world, the ability to communicate your idea succinctly and compellingly is crucial. This session is designed to help entrepreneurs, business professionals, and innovators make a strong impact in a short amount of time. Learn how to distill complex ideas into clear, persuasive pitches that resonate with their audience.

Key Takeaways: ** Mastering Storytelling for Business: - Understand the elements of a compelling story and how to apply them to your business context. - Learn to weave emotional threads to create a narrative that sticks.

** Crafting a Clear Vision and Mission Statement: - Guidance on articulating your business’s vision and mission in a way that captures attention and invites engagement. - Techniques for making your vision and mission the core of your pitch.

** Engaging and Persuading Your Audience: - Public speaking tips on using voice modulation, body language, and visual aids effectively within a 60-second timeframe. - Strategies to adapt your pitch on the fly based on audience reactions and feedback.

Join us and hone the tools to create clear, concise, and compelling pitches that convey their ideas and inspire action, making every second of their pitch count. Time will be allotted to work on and volunteer to deliver your pitch!

Speaker(s): Laura Reid

Co-Sponsor(s): Central Pacific Bank

Fee: $ 15.00

Registration required along with payment