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How to Finance your Business - (Hawaii Island - Kona)

Wed, Feb 14 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM

Businesses need money to start up, expand or just to withstand the ups and downs of sales and business cycles. How do you get that financing from a bank, what are they looking for, how much documentation do they need, do you have to put your personal credit on the line, how long does it take, what types of businesses will they finance, is a line of credit a better option for you??? Please join us and our panel of Business Bankers from Bank of Hawaii, First Hawaiian Bank, and Central Pacific Bank to help make the mystery of commercial financing less mysterious, and to give you the information you need to grow your business.

Speaker(s): Greg Ayau, Alan Pak, Mason Yoshiyama and Dennis Boyd

Co-Sponsor(s): Hawaii SBDC

“We are located at the NELHA (Natural Energy Lab of HI) campus, accessed from Kaimanani Dr. (traffic light just south of the airport). From Kaimanani take a right onto Makako Bay Dr. and follow the road past the beach all the way to the end. We’re in Hale Iako on the right side of the road.” The Hawai‘i SBDC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Hawai‘i SBDC services are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Language assistance services are available for individuals with limited English proficiency as well as reasonable accommodations can be made for persons with disabilities. To make arrangements, please call 333.5000 at least 2 weeks in advance.

Fee: $ 20.00

“Please pay on line by credit card at the time of registration or if that is not possible at the door by check – no cash accepted. Checks must be made out to “University of Hawaii at Hilo”. No refund

Phone: 8083335000


Hawai‘i SBDC, West Hawai‘i Center
73-970 Makako Bay Dr. Kailua Kona, HI 967470