How to Write a Business Plan
Business plans are essential for your company to be profitable and grow. It helps you map out where you are, where you want to go and how to get there. A Business plan will help you lay out the steps you need to start and progress to reach your goals. It will also help you determine if your business is sustainable. A business plan is essential if you are looking for funding. Writing a business Plan can seem overwhelming. What to write, what information to include, too much information, to little information. Oh, the agony. This webinar will help you develop the right plan with the right content that will communicate your vision to lenders and other business partners. Learn the Basics: • Creating a story that tells your plan for your company • What information banks and financial institutions want to know • How to create the basic components of a business plan • Tricks to getting it on paper • Create financial projections for your company that align with your story
Speaker(s): Robbie Melton, Center Director
Co-Sponsor(s): none
It is a non-refundable workshop unless Hawaii SBDC Network cancels. Pre-registration is required at our website If payment is not received at the time of registration, it will be cancelled automatically! The link will be emailed to the email address you registered with the day before. Deadline to register: January 10, 2023 at 3:00pm The Hawai’i SBDC is a program of the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement No. SBAHQ-21-B0076 with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA. Hawai‘i SBDC services are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Language assistance services are available for individuals with limited English proficiency as well as reasonable accommodations can be made for persons with disabilities. Please give two weeks advance notice and arrangements can be made by calling (808)241-3148. Hawaii SBDC is an equal opportunity employer.
Fee: $ 15.00
We accept MasterCard and Visa only. No cash payments.